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Placing Orders

Briess ingredients are produced and sold to manufacturers in the food, beverage and pet food industries. Order directly from Briess or contact us to set up an account.

Easy Ordering

When it is time to place an order with Briess we make that easy with multiple options and friendly, personal support from our team of Customer Service Representatives. You will have one customer service representative assigned to your account whose goal is to make your ordering and receiving experience positive and seamless.

Options for placing orders directly with your Customer Service Representative at our Chilton, Wisconsin, location:

  • Call your Customer Service Representative directly
  • Call 800.657.0806 to be directed to your Customer Service Representative
  • Email your order directly to your Customer Service Representative

To assure shipments are accurate and timely, it is helpful to have the following information handy when ordering:

If you are not a current customer and are interested in Briess ingredients, please contact us today.

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