Malted Milk Powder

Pure malted milk powder for sweet malty flavor and creamy mouthfeel.

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Briess Malted Milk Powder is made using only Briess malted barley, wheat flour, hydrolyzed wheat gluten,  milk, bicarbonate of soda and salt. No artificial processing aids, additives, preservatives, colors or flavors are used.


Briess Malted Milk Powder delivers a rich, malty flavor and aroma to more than ice cream and confectionary. Enhance icings, cakes, cookies, bagels, baked goods, pretzels, bars and more with this naturally sweet ingredient.

Made in the U.S.A.

Briess Malted Milk Powder starts with North American barley which we malt, then further process in an SQF certified facility giving us complete quality control from grower to you.

Produced in SQF certified facility

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